eCold.ai Review: An AI-Driven Tool that Automates Cold Email Personalization

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App Details

  • Device: Web-based
  • Category: Cold Email Marketing
  • Price Structure: Free and Paid
  • Publisher: eCold
  • Compatibility: Any device with a web browser and internet connection
  • Competitors: Lemlist, Mailshake, Reply.io, etc.
  • How they compare to competitors: eCold.ai offers more advanced and accurate cold email personalization than other apps that mainly use templates or variables. eCold.ai also integrates with more cold email tools than most of its competitors.
  • Use case: eCold.ai is perfect for salespeople, marketers, entrepreneurs, freelancers, and anyone else who needs to send cold emails to potential customers or clients. eCold.ai can also be useful for researchers, recruiters, journalists, and anyone else who needs to reach out to people via email.
  • Our Take: eCold.ai is a great app for anyone who wants to improve their cold email campaigns and increase their response rates. eCold.ai is 6 times cheaper than hiring a virtual assistant and leads to higher response rates.


  • Ease of use: 4.5/5.0
  • Support/Documentation: 4.8/5.0
  • Design: 4.8/5.0
  • User Interface: 4.5/5.0
  • Our Score: 4.8/5.0


Pros and Cons


  • AI-driven tool that automates cold email personalization
  • Generates hundreds of personalized lines in a flash based on the recipient’s profile and the sender’s goal
  • Integrates with the most widely-used cold email tools such as Gmail, Outlook, Mailchimp, etc.
  • 6 times cheaper than hiring a virtual assistant
  • Leads to higher response rates and conversions


  • May not be able to personalize every aspect of the email such as the subject line or the call to action
  • May not be able to handle very complex or niche scenarios or industries
  • May not work well with poor internet connection or slow devices


eCold.ai is an AI-driven tool that automates cold email personalization. With it, users can generate hundreds of personalized lines in a flash based on the recipient’s profile and the sender’s goal. eCold.ai can help users create engaging and relevant cold emails that get more responses and conversions.

eCold.ai uses natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) to analyze the recipient’s profile and the sender’s goal and generate personalized lines that match their needs and interests. eCold.ai can personalize various aspects of the email such as the introduction, the value proposition, the social proof, the pain point, the solution, etc.

eCold.ai also integrates with the most widely-used cold email tools such as Gmail, Outlook, Mailchimp, etc. Users can easily export their personalized lines to their preferred cold email tool and send them to their prospects. Users can also track their results and optimize their campaigns.

eCold.ai was created by eCold, a company that specializes in AI-driven solutions for cold email marketing. eCold.ai has been featured on Product Hunt, Hacker News, and other platforms and has received positive feedback from its users.

Features and Functionalities

eCold.ai has many features and functionalities that make it a great app for cold email personalization. Some of them are:

  • AI-driven tool that automates cold email personalization: You can use eCold.ai to generate hundreds of personalized lines in a flash based on the recipient’s profile and the sender’s goal. You can also customize your personalization parameters such as tone, formality, length, etc.

  • Wide range of recipient profiles and sender goals: You can choose from a wide range of recipient profiles such as industry, role, company size, location, etc. You can also choose from a wide range of sender goals such as booking a meeting, getting feedback, offering a discount, etc.

  • Integration with the most widely-used cold email tools: You can integrate eCold.ai with the most widely-used cold email tools such as Gmail, Outlook, Mailchimp, etc. You can easily export your personalized lines to your preferred cold email tool and send them to your prospects.

  • Tracking and optimization: You can track your results and optimize your campaigns using eCold.ai. You can see how many responses, clicks, opens, and conversions you get from your personalized emails. You can also see which personalized lines perform better than others and tweak them accordingly.

User Experience and Interface

eCold.ai has a user-friendly and intuitive interface that makes it easy to use and navigate. The app has a simple and clean design that focuses on content and functionality. The app also has a bright and cheerful color scheme that creates a positive and engaging atmosphere.

The user experience of eCold.ai is also enjoyable and satisfying. The app provides a fast and smooth operation that ensures seamless and uninterrupted cold email personalization. The app also provides high accuracy and quality of the data and the names that it provides. The app also provides a supportive and encouraging environment that motivates you to create engaging and relevant cold emails.

Performance and Reliability

eCold.ai has a high performance and reliability that makes it a reliable and trustworthy app for cold email personalization. The app has a fast and smooth operation that ensures seamless and uninterrupted cold email personalization. The app also has high accuracy and quality of the data and the names that it provides. The app also has high security and privacy that protects your data and information.

Support and Documentation

eCold.ai has good support and documentation that provides you with the help and information you need to use the app. The app has a FAQ section that answers the most common questions about the app. The app also has a contact form that lets you send your feedback, suggestions, or queries to the app developer. The app also has a blog that provides you with useful tips, tricks, and insights on how to use the app and how to create effective cold emails.


eCold.ai has a fair and affordable pricing that makes it accessible and convenient for anyone who wants to use the app. eCold.ai works on a free and paid model, meaning that you can use some features for free, but you need to pay for some premium features. The free features include:

  • Generate up to 10 personalized lines per day
  • Choose from 5 recipient profiles and 5 sender goals
  • Export your personalized lines to Gmail

The paid features include:

  • Generate unlimited personalized lines per day
  • Choose from 20+ recipient profiles and 20+ sender goals
  • Export your personalized lines to any cold email tool
  • Track your results and optimize your campaigns

The pricing for the paid features is as follows:

Single Purchase

100 credits $0.15/credit $15

500 credits $0.12/credit $60

1000 credits $0.11/credit $110

3000 credits $0.083/credit $250

Monthly Subscription


300 credits $0.13/credit $39/month


600 credits $0.115/credit $69/month


1500 credits $0.1/credit $149/month

Final Verdict

eCold.ai is a great app for anyone who wants to improve their cold email campaigns and increase their response rates. eCold.ai is more than just an app, it’s an AI-driven tool that automates cold email personalization. With it, users can generate hundreds of personalized lines in a flash based on the recipient’s profile and the sender’s goal. eCold.ai is 6 times cheaper than hiring a virtual assistant and leads to higher response rates.

If you are looking for an AI-driven tool that automates cold email personalization, then eCold.ai is the app for you. You can try eCold.ai for free by visiting their website at https://ecold.ai/ and start your cold email personalization today.


Category : SaaS Marketing

Tags : advanced and accurate cold email personalization, AI technology, AI-driven tool, AI-driven tool that automates cold email personalization, AI-powered platform, ai-powered software, App Details, AppReview, Artificial Intelligence, Authentic Reviews, automate cold email personalization, cold email campaigns, Cold Email Marketing, cold email tools, Customer support, eCold ai, email personalization, Features, Gmail, Human-Written Reviews, Integration, Mailchimp, Outlook, Performance, personalized lines in a flash, productivity software, Software Reviews, Subscription Plans, Support, TechReview, User Experience, User interface