Hippoc AI – Is It Worth It? Read This Review Before Purchasing

App Details 

  • App name: Hippoc AI
  • Category: Ad testing and optimization
  • Pricing structure: Free plan, Pro plan ($25/month), Add-on (10 credits/pack for $10)
  • Publisher: Hippoc AI Inc.
  • Compatibility: Canva, Chrome
  • Competitors: EyeQuant, Neuro-Flash, Neuro-Insight
  • How they compare to competitors: Hippoc AI claims to offer a more accurate and reliable ad testing and optimization tool than its competitors. It uses neuroscience and AI to predict the cognitive impact of an ad on consumers using a model that mimics the behavior of a human brain. It also provides you with instant attention, lasting recall, and impact score metrics for your ad visuals.
  • Use case: Hippoc AI is perfect for marketers, SMB designers, and agencies who want to create high-performing ads that get noticed and remembered by consumers. It can also be used by anyone who wants to test and optimize their ad visuals for any platform or medium.


Our Take: Hippoc AI is a very innovative and useful software for ad testing and optimization. It combines neuroscience and AI to help you create ads that catch the eye, stick in the mind, and drive action. It also has a user-friendly interface and different pricing plans for different needs. However, I also think it has some limitations, such as only analyzing visual content, not audio, and having limited support for languages other than English or French. It may also not work well for niche or specific audiences based on our testing.


  • Ease of use: 4.5
  • User interface: 4.0
  • Design: 3.5
  • Documentation/Support: 5.0
  • Our Score: 4.25

Pros and Cons


  • It helps you create high-performing ads that stand out in your customers’ minds.
  • It saves you time and money on ad testing and optimization.
  • It is based on science and delivers accurate results.
  • It integrates with popular tools like Canva and Chrome.
  • It has different pricing plans for different needs.


  • It only analyzes visual content, not text or audio.
  • It has limited support for languages other than English or French.
  • It may not work well for niche or specific audiences.



Do you want to create ads that catch the eye, stick in the mind, and drive action? Do you want to save time and money on testing and optimizing your ads? Do you want to get ahead of your competition and boost your creative ROI?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you need to check out Hippoc AI, a neuroscience and AI-powered solution that helps you predict and improve the cognitive impact of your ads on your consumers.

In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about Hippoc AI, including its features, pricing, user interface, pros and cons, support, documentation, and ease of use. Read on and discover how Hippoc AI can help you unleash high-performing ads.


Hippoc AI has some amazing features that make it a unique and powerful tool for ad testing and optimization. Here are some of them:

  • Predictive model: Hippoc AI uses a predictive model that simulates the average human brain and analyzes your visual content for instant attention, lasting recall, and impact score. It also gives you recommendations on how to improve your ads based on your campaign goal, whether it is awareness, product sales, or clicks.

  • Accuracy: Hippoc AI is based on science and delivers accurate results. It has tested over 31,000 consumers and analyzed over 16 million images and videos. Its predictive model has an accuracy rate of 94% for instant attention and lasting recall.

  • Integration: Hippoc AI is easy to use and integrates with popular tools like Canva and Chrome. You can upload up to 10 ads to Hippoc AI by dragging and dropping, connecting to Canva, or using the Chrome extension.

  • Comparison: Hippoc AI allows you to compare your ads and see which ones perform better and why. You can also benchmark your ads against your competition and see how you stack up.

  • Optimization: Hippoc AI helps you optimize your ads and make them more engaging and memorable. You can follow the recommendations to tweak or eliminate the elements that are not working well and enhance the ones that are.



Hippoc AI offers different pricing plans depending on your needs. You can start for free or choose from the following options:

  • Free plan: This plan gives you 20 credits per month (one credit equals one ad analysis) and access to basic features like lasting recall, impact score, and recommendations.
  • Pro: This plan costs $25 per month and gives you 40 credits per month. You also get access to advanced features like campaign goal selection, element prioritization, competitor comparison, and Canva integration.
  • Add-on:  You can also buy additional credits as an add-on if you need more than your plan allows. This is customized for your needs and gives you 10 credits per pack for $10 with all the features you need.

User Interface/ease of use

Hippoc AI has a user-friendly and intuitive user interface that makes it easy to upload, analyze and optimize your ads. The interface is divided into three main sections:

  • Dashboard: This is where you can see your account information, credit balance, recent analyses, and blog posts.

  • Analyze: This is where you can upload your ads, choose your campaign goal, indicate the elements that matter most, and get your analysis results.

  • Compare: This is where you can compare your ads with each other or with your competitors’ ads.

The interface is also responsive and works well on different devices and browsers.

Hippoc AI is easy to use for anyone who wants to create better ads. You don’t need any expertise in neuroscience or AI to use it. You just need to upload your ads, choose your campaign goal, indicate the elements that matter most, and get your analysis results. You can then compare your ads and follow the recommendations to optimize them.

Hippoc AI is also fast and reliable. It takes only a few seconds to analyze an ad and give you feedback. It also works well on different devices and browsers.

Support/ Documentation

Hippoc AI offers various ways to get support if you have any questions or issues with the solution. You can:

  • Visit their website and read their FAQ section or blog posts.
  • Contact them via email at [email protected] or via chat on their website.
  • Book a demo or request a quote on their website.
  • Follow them on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook.

Hippoc AI provides comprehensive documentation on how to use the solution on its website. You can find guides on how to:

  • Upload your designs
  • Choose a campaign goal
  • Indicate the elements that matter most
  • Get recommendations
  • Compare your ads
  • Integrate with Canva or Chrome
  • Understand the results
  • Manage your account
  • Buy additional credits

The documentation also explains the science behind the solution and the terms used in the analysis.


Hippoc AI is a neuroscience and AI-powered solution that helps you predict and improve the cognitive impact of your ads on your consumers. It analyzes your visual content for instant attention, lasting recall, and impact score. It also gives you recommendations on how to optimize your ads based on your campaign goal.

Hippoc AI is easy to use, accurate, integrative, comparative, and cost-effective. It helps you create high-performing ads that stand out in your customers’ minds.

If you want to try Hippoc AI for yourself, you can start for free or choose from different pricing plans depending on your needs. You can also book a demo or read more about the solution on their website.

Hippoc AI is a pioneering solution that combines neuroscience and AI to help you optimize your ads. Try it today and see the difference for yourself.


Category : SaaS Marketing

Tags : accurate and reliable ad testing and optimization tool, Ad testing and optimization, ad testing and optimization tool, AI technology, AI-powered platform, ai-powered software, App Details, AppReview, Artificial Intelligence, Authentic Reviews, create high-performing ads, Customer support, Customization options, Features, Hippoc AI, Hippoc AI for marketers, Hippoc AI Predictive model, Human-Written Reviews, impact score metrics for your ad visuals, innovative and useful software for ad testing, Integration, Performance, Performance and reliability, software for ad testing and optimization, Software Reviews, Subscription Plans, TechReview, User Experience, User interface