CyberFilm AI: A Review of the Generative AI Tools for Filmmaking

APP details

  • App name: CyberFilm AI
  • Category: Software Development, Artificial Intelligence, Film Production
  • Pricing Structure: Free trial (1 day), Pro plan ($39.99/month), Enterprise plan (custom pricing)
  • Compatibility: Web-based app that works on any browser and device
  • Competitors: Plotagon, Moviestorm, Artella
  • How they compare to competitors: Cyberfilm AI claims to offer a more advanced and realistic film making experience than its competitors. It uses GPT-4 and other generative AI models to create plots, characters, scripts, storyboards, and videos based on your preferences and feedback. It also provides you with professional guidance and feedback on your film projects.
  • Use case: Cyberfilm AI is perfect for aspiring filmmakers, screenwriters, and producers who want to create their dream movies and get discovered by Hollywood. It can also be used by anyone who wants to learn new film making skills and technologies


Our take: CyberFilm does a great job of bringing AI into the film production industry. While it is a great tool, it still does not replace the creativity of film producers. Nothing beats the natural, human-like touch in movies. It is still a great app for those that have hands-on knowledge of filmmaking, scriptwriting, and storytelling. The one-day trial is not enough to check all the functionalities, you might have to purchase the premium package to gain all the benefits of the software. 


  • Ease of use: 3.5
  • User interface: 3.5
  • Design: 4.5
  • Documentation/Support: 4.5
  • Our Score: 4.0

Pros and Cons


  • It helps you generate high-quality and realistic content for your movie in different modes: text, image, audio, or video.
  • It gives you complete creative control over the generated content. You can edit or refine any element as you wish.
  • It allows you to collaborate with other users on your projects. You can share your work with others and get feedback or suggestions.
  • It lets you own what you make with their products. They will never use your content generated through their products for any purpose.


  • It is still in the beta stage and may have some bugs or errors.
  • It may not be able to generate content that matches your specific vision or style preferences.
  • It may not be able to handle complex or nuanced stories or characters.
  • It may not be able to replace human creativity or judgment.





CyberFilm AI is a software development company that aims to help filmmakers produce more of their best videos, faster and cheaper through AI. They offer a web app that lets you write and storyboard a new movie, based on your original idea. It’s powered by OpenAI GPT-4 and DALL-E 2, two of the most advanced generative AI models available today.


  • Formulate helps you generate plots and characters for your movie. You can input a genre, a theme, a logline, or a premise, and the AI will suggest possible stories and characters that match your criteria. You can also edit, refine, and expand the generated content as you wish. 

  • Beatsheets help you outline scenes and structure your movie. You can input a genre, a theme, a logline, or a premise, and the AI will suggest possible scenes and events that fit your story. You can also rearrange, delete, or add scenes as you wish. 

  • Storyboards help you visualize shots and angles for your movie. You can input a scene description or a dialog, and the AI will generate storyboard panels that illustrate your scene. You can also adjust the style, perspective, lighting, and mood of the generated panels as you wish. 

  • High-quality generation: The AI models used by CyberFilm AI are trained on large datasets of movies, scripts, and storyboards, which enable them to generate high-quality and realistic content that matches your genre and style preferences. 

  • Creative control: You have complete creative control over the generated content. You can edit, refine, expand, rearrange, delete, or add any element as you wish. You can also give feedback to the AI to improve its suggestions. 

  • Multi-modal generation: The AI models used by CyberFilm AI can generate content in different modes: text, image, audio, or video. You can switch between modes as you wish and see how your story looks in different formats. 

  • Collaboration: You can collaborate with other users on your projects. You can share your work with others and get feedback or suggestions. You can also work together on the same project in real time.
  • Ownership: You own what you make with CyberFilm AI. They will never use your content generated through their products for any purpose.


CyberFilm AI offers a free trial for its products. You can sign up for their web app and try it out for one day without any charge. After that, you can choose to commit to the subscription plan of $39.99 per month. You get access to Formulate, Beatsheets, Storyboards, and future products with unlimited generation capacity and storage space.



User Interface and Ease of Use


CyberFilm AI has a user-friendly and intuitive user interface. The web app has a simple and sleek design that makes it easy to navigate and use. The app has four main sections, the Dashboard, Formulate, Beatsheets, and Storyboards. CyberFilm AI is easy to use for anyone who has basic knowledge of filmmaking or storytelling. The web app has clear instructions and tips that guide you through the process of generating content for your movie. The app also has a help section that answers common questions and issues that users may have.



CyberFilm AI is a promising start-up company that creates generative AI tools for movies, scripts, and storyboards. Their products help filmmakers produce more of their best videos faster and cheaper through AI powered by OpenAI GPT-4 DALL-E 2. They offer a free trial of their products which include Formulate, Beatsheets, and Storyboards. They have a user-friendly intuitive user interface and several features that make them stand out from other similar tools. However, they also have some drawbacks such as being still in the beta stage, not being able to match specific vision style preferences, not being able to handle complex nuanced stories and characters, and not being able to replace human creativity judgment. 


Category : SaaS Marketing

Tags : AI for aspiring filmmakers, AI-powered platform, ai-powered software, App Details, Artificial Intelligence, Authentic Reviews, collaboration, CyberFilm AI, Features, Film Production, film production industry, Functionality, generative AI models, generative AI tools for movies, Human-Written Reviews, Integration, multi-modal generation, Performance, Pricing Structure, productivity software, realistic film making experience, Reliability, Software Development, Software Reviews, Subscription Plans, Support, TechReview, User Experience, User interface